You’re Darned Tootin’ Mr. and Mrs. Hooton

Len and Barbara Hooton would be the last people to toot their own horn.  Let us do it for them!  Thank you to Len and Barbara for supplying the punch ingredients for every Sunday Fellowship Hour.  It is not only greatly appreciated but greatly enjoyed!  There are still open Sundays to volunteer to host a Fellowship Hour.  The items DO NOT have to be homemade.  The coffee is provided by the Diaconate.  There are usually enough paper goods in the kitchenette, assorted sweetener packets, coffee stirrers and creamer pitcher.  The half and half and food items are provided by the host.  A list of how to make the coffee and duties is above the kitchenette sink. You can pair up with someone to help plus there are always one or two seasoned hosts who jump in and help

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