We are a theologically diverse community of people bound together by our desire to follow Jesus and to love God and to love our neighbor, close or far, as we love ourselves.
Our By-Laws
As a church in the “congregational” or “free church” tradition, the members of Second Congregational Church, UCC, of Palmer, are responsible for our organization, administration, mission, worship and properties. We rely upon prayerful discernment, respectful deliberation, our Covenant and our polity to guide us in all we do. Our By-Laws provide the organizational structure which assures freedom with order.
To read Our Church Covenant at Second Congregational Church click here.
To read the United Church of Christ Statement of Faith—adapted by Robert V. Moss, click here.
“Changing Lives, That’s Our Church’s Wider Mission” is more than a slogan or phrase; it is the lifeblood of ministry and mission of the United Church of Christ, of which we are a part. It is our ministry and mission here at Second Church as well. The United Church of Christ is the largest Protestant denomination in New England, with more than 5,100 churches and 1.1 million members in the U.S. In 1957, four denominations in the “free church” tradition merged to form the United Church of Christ, with the motto, “ . . . that they may all be one (John 17:21).