Team Trivia Night – 2/11/23

Join us for Team Trivia Night on Saturday, February 11th! Doors open at 6:30 p.m., games begin at 7:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Board of Diaconate Affairs and benefits the Diaconate Relief Fund. Put together a team of up to 10 players, reserve your table and get ready for a visual and    audio presentation of trivia questions from a variety of categories, along with team challenges, including a picture quiz, a “Who am I ?” quiz for bonus points and the final jeopardy-style question to end the night.  Prizes for the winners! Admission: $10/person, includes snack, soft drinks & entry for door prizes. Optional 50/50 raffle to be drawn at halftime!

Space is limited….reserve a table by emailing Missy at: [email protected]

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