We invite you to prayerfully consider our church your church home. Everyone is welcome here! Come as you are, for you are one of God’s children, and you are loved.
Second Congregational ministers to the needs of people while developing a sense of God’s presence. Our primary focus is on biblical preaching, teaching, and reaching out.
We begin worship with announcements and passing the Peace of Christ to one another. Following that, music, the spoken word, and prayer re-direct our minds, hearts and souls from the gathered community toward God.
During worship, you can expect a sense of warmth and welcome through the friendly faces around you. We are a church known for greeting everyone warmly! We are also known for our ministry of music, including the Chancel Choir, and Handbell Choir, as well as the music of our organ and piano.

At Second Congregational , we celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month as part of our regular worship service. With Baptism, it is one of the two sacraments that are part of our faith tradition. We believe that when we gather together and consecrate the bread and cup, Christ is present. Everyone is invited to receive the bread and the cup (grape juice) at Second Congregational. You do not have to be a member of this church or baptized or even certain of your faith. If you seek to draw closer to God, this table is spread for you. Everyone receives Holy Communion. You are invited to the table as Christ’s guest.
Along with the sacrament of Holy Communion, we celebrate the sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is the official welcome of an individual into the household of God. As such, it is always a joyous and celebrative occasion! Baptism is open to everyone. If you wish to schedule a baptism (which typically occurs as a part of Sunday worship), please contact the church office.
We offer a candle table which is available for people who would like to light a candle in memory of, or to honor a loved one, or to offer up a silent prayer.
Fellowship is an important part of worship, so we have a Fellowship Hour every Sunday in the Norman Room, which is adjacent to the back of the sanctuary. Beverages and snacks are served by volunteers of the congregation. It’s a great time to get caught up with friends and to meet new ones!
Worship Service: 10:00 AM
Sunday School: Bi-weekly, Preschool to 8th Grade
We hope that you will join us for worship. If we can be of help to you in any way, or if you would like more information, please contact the church office by phone at 413-283-6958 or email us at secondcongo1847@gmail.com.