Scouting News

Second Church is the charter organization for Cub Scout Pack 164 and Girls Troop 5164. Our support allows boys and girls and their families to participate in and experience a wide range of activities to help them on their journey toward adulthood. Here is a listing of upcoming pack activities. If you know of a child that would benefit from the long standing BSA program, please contact Monique Cutty-Shipman at or Erin Chevalier at

2/26– Ice Fishing at Red Bridge, Ludlow

2/26– Spfld. Thunderbirds Game take part as ColorGuard.

3/12– Pinewood Derby, Second Church

4/23-Pack campout at Moses Scout Reservation

5/21– Fishing Derby at Camp Ramah

5/30– Memorial Day Parade

6/3– 6/5 Webelos Woods campout at Moses Reservation

6/18– Bridging Ceremony at Quabbin


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