Music at Second Congregational


Second Church is a congregation that loves music and is blessed with many sources of talent in this ministry.

As a congregation during worship, we sing hymns of many different styles, from “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” to an old gospel hymn like “Amazing Grace” or “Blessed Assurance.” We might sing contemporary hymns like “Here I Am, Lord” or “Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant.”  Most often, hymns are accompanied by Len Rogach on the pipe organ, and occasionally on the piano. From time to time, we are accompanied by guitar and even percussion!

Our service also includes a couple of sung responses that are part of the ritual. Most commonly, there are two: the Gloria Patri (“Glory be to the Father…”) and the Doxology (“Praise God from whom all blessings flow…”). The music and words for these or any other responses are in the hymnal as indicated in the order of worship that you receive when you enter the sanctuary.

In addition to the congregation’s own singing, our worship includes pieces in a variety of styles sung by our choirs, songs sung by soloists, and instrumental pieces on handbells, piano, or pipe organ. We have adults and youth who contribute their talents to our worship of God.


We are very blessed to have many talented congregants to enhance our worship services. Len Rogach, our Music Director, keeps our services musically diverse using the talents of the Chancel voice and Handbell choirs accompanied by organ and piano.

The Chancel voice choir sings each Sunday. They practice weekly on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM.


The Handbell choir uses 5 octaves of bells and plays frequently during worship. Practice is weekly on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM.

Director of Music

Our Director of Music, Len Rogach, is a multi-talented musician who inspires us weekly with diverse musical pieces. He is also the director of both the Chancel choir and Handbell choir.

Len has been with Second Church for 25 years. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the Music College of State Conservatory in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He emigrated from Russia to the United States in 1991, and became a citizen in 1997. Len is a composer and has produced three CDs of electronica music. His music is played on local radio stations. He was a music teacher at Worcester Academy, and now, is a private tutor of piano in the Metro West area.