What to Expect


Worship is the most important part of our life together. Our worship begins at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, and everyone is welcome to receive this sacrament.

Full Accessibility: Our church is fully accessible. Our elevator opens to the parking lot, the lower level (Dining Room), and the upper level (Sanctuary). The lower level is also the location of our handicap-accessible restroom. Further, we have mobile hearing-assist devices connected directly to our sound system that you may use. We also provide large-print Orders of Worship. Both may be requested from an Usher as you enter the sanctuary.

Children: All children are in worship for the first part of the service.

Nursery: We do not have infant care staffed by the church at this time.  We do however have a childcare/nursery area available for your convenience.  Our ushers or other church members are happy to assist you in locating the nursery.

Dress: Please dress comfortably. We do not have a dress code, and you will find just about all manner of clothing from shorts and jeans to suit and tie and dresses. No matter how you are dressed, you will not feel out of place.

Usher/Greeters will welcome you as you enter the building. They will provide you with an Order of Worship (large print versions are available) and answer any questions you may have. You may sit anywhere you like.

The Order of Worship lists everything you need in order to fully participate in the worship service.

> Boldface type indicates the entire congregation speaks the words together.

> Music to be sung, posted on either side of the alter, and in the Order of Worship. The hymnals are in the pews, or the hymns may be inserts.

Standing and sitting: An ‘*’ before the item indicates when to stand. Our community includes people of various physical abilities, and we invite you to stay seated at any time if that is more appropriate or comfortable for you.

The Lord’s Prayer: We use “forgive us our debts … debtors,” simply because it has been a long-standing tradition in our congregation.

Passing of the Peace: The whole congregation turns to each other and exchanges similar words, ‘peace be with you,’ or similar.

Bible Readings: There are 2 readings from the Bible. The sermon is related to one or both of the Bible readings.

Music and Singing: The service includes a couple of sung responses that are part of the ritual. The Gloria Patri (“Glory be to the Father…”) and the Doxology (“Praise God from whom all blessings flow…”).

Offering: There is an offering every Sunday to help with the ongoing work of Second Church, locally and around the world. Guests are not expected to contribute. It is important that you feel welcome and not pressured to give!

Communion: On the first Sunday of each month, and on additional special occasions, we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome to participate. The sacrament is open to everyone–regardless of your religious denomination, church membership, gender, sexual orientation, race, language, or age.

Fellowship Hour: There is a time of refreshment and fellowship after each worship service in the Norman Room, which is basically the large room at the back of the Sanctuary.

Location: We are located at 1080 Pleasant Street in Palmer. A GPS will bring you to that address, which is the front of the building. On the side opposite Pleasant Street is our parking lot, which has ample parking space as well as the handicap entrance and access to the elevator.