Adult Education

To learn about each other and learn together, Pastor Deb Shepard is offering two upcoming study events. Let’s explore the theme of the study through scripture and the sharing of our faith journey from 11:15 AM to 12:00 Noon. All that is needed is you.

On November 5th, we will study the “Blessings in our Lives”. How do you express gratitude? To whom do you express gratitude? Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty? Which leper are you in the story of the Ten Lepers? And more…

On December 3rd, the theme is Advent. What are the symbols of Advent? Do you have any Advent traditions? Why do we light an Advent wreath? In the busy-ness of the season, how do you find HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE? Not sure? Come and explore!

We are also forming an Adult Bible Study group that will begin in January 2024. If you are interested in joining, please contact the church office at 413-283-6958.
