A Thank You

The following is a letter received from the HelpOurKids Organization…..

Dear Merry, Nancy, Beth and all the congregants,

I want you to know how meaningful it was to meet you on Sunday, attend your service and have the opportunity to share my experiences with you. I am deeply appreciative of the gifts that you have provided for kids in care, all of which are greatly needed. I assure you that the toiletries, drawstring duffle bags, books, worryeater dolls, and handmade quilts and blankets will all find their way to the right child.

Perhaps even more important than the items themselves is the love and compassion that you send to these children. Their biggest fear is that they will be forgotten and you are showing them that there are people who remember them and care about them.

I appreciate that I was able to speak with many of you after the service. You have enriched my life and the lives of all the children you will touch.

Sincerely, Noryn A. Resnick

Executive Director, HelpOurKids